My first build (2007) - designed by Hannu Vartiaala (Hannu's Boatyard)

Monday, 4 August 2014

Well - hull complete, painted, varnished and fitted out !

No photos of how I got there, I'm afraid.  Hours and hours of filling, painting, sanding and fairing.  Not my favourite jobs (tho' critical to the final aesthetics) and not exciting to photograph.

The hull is painted in marine paint over marine primer (both ebay bargains).  The varnish is Coo-Var yacht & seaplane varnish, the white paint ordinary exterior house gloss and the red detail line is all-purpose exterior enamel.  Rubbing strips are varnished oak D strips from the local DIY store, fastened with bronze ringnails into the chocks (holes sealed with marine mastic).  The last photo shows the mainsheet horse and the sunfish-styled rudder fitting.

I need to get the hull onto the trailer (I still haven't posted about renovating that yet), so that I can clear space to work on the foils and spars.